Triumph Chopper Rebuild Project

by Sheldon Stephens
(Columbia, MO)

Burnt Triumph Chopper

Burnt Triumph Chopper

I was looking for a project bike for this winter and found a 1968 Triumph chopper that had caught fire some years ago.

So I picked it up cheep its not so bad but its going to need a lot of work like. Can you get a rebuild kit for a springer? And can I change it to a belt drive? This is not my first build but its the first chopper and the first triumph. Any help would be appreciated.


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Oct 02, 2012
Heat Weakened Metal
by: Anonymous

Depending on the heat, I would be concerned about structurally weak metal which may cause the frame to bend in unexpected situations.(Like a pothole)
Personally,I would be very worried about this and would probably not use a burnt frame for this reason.As this is not your first build I would assume you already checked this out but, just in case.....

Apr 28, 2012
yes and yes
by: Anonymous

you need to get in contact with british cycle supply, or walridge motors..they have all the goods. good luck with the chopper!!

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