1982 Yamaha Virago XV750 low rider chop
by Monte
1982 Yamaha Virago XV750...
It was 21 years ago (1988) I just got my motorcycle permit (I live in Massachusetts). I was 16 years old. Riding my first bike 1973 Honda cb125 on my way to my uncle's house to go riding with him. When I got there I couldn't believe my eyes he had a virago I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. I wanted one ... but alas it was too expensive for my wallet.... until now! I found a 1982 Yamaha Virago XV750 ... $200.00... non running so I bought it. So now I am building a chopper out of it. And someday it will be my daughter’s bike. However I am at a standstill... I need a "just to make it run" wiring diagram. Too much extra stuff on the harness.